Features and innovations

Order picking made easy - can't be done? Yes it can!

How do I pick an order for shipping easily, quickly and efficiently? These are questions that every company has probably asked itself at some point when it comes to processing orders in the warehouse in a timely manner. The travel times between picking and packing often take up an enormous amount of time, which must be reduced as much as possible. After all, the efficiency of logistics processes in the warehouse often determines the success of a company. They are therefore an extremely important part of every warehouse logistics system. In short, there is no way around an intelligent picking strategy in the warehouse.

The solution for efficient picking? Our SuPCIS-L8 warehouse management system. Our flexible and powerful modules make it possible to select intelligent picking strategies according to requirements and optimize routes in the warehouse many times over. At our customer Moster, we were able to use our warehouse management software to design a process that enables lightning-fast yet efficient picking. The high-bay warehouse offers the possibility of storing larger items and long goods in separate areas. These items are picked in a route-optimized manner using high-speed vehicles and a shipping label is applied directly during picking using mobile printers. In the shelf storage area, picking is also route-optimized and carried out across orders using the pick-and-pack method. Here, too, the warehouse management system uses intelligent logic to optimize processes.

The special feature: The shipping volume is calculated by the warehouse management software even before the picking process and the picking cart is equipped with the appropriate shipping containers. The employee picks directly into the shipping containers, so there is no need to repack at the packing stations and the package is directly prepared for shipping. With these lean processes, time and effort per order can be saved enormously.

You want to learn more about the project at Moster? Click here for the detailed report.

Contact us and talk to one of our experts on the subject.

Christoph Neef