AutoStore® Connector

and SuPCIS-L8

With AutoStore® you can manage your warehouse stocks in the smallest possible space, react quickly to new challenges and streamline the storage and retrieval process. With the support of our SuPCIS-L8 warehouse management software, you can achieve maximum efficiency and flexibility.

AutoStore with Element Logic

Innovative storage technology in the smallest space

What is AutoStore®?

AutoStore® is a goods-to-person system that knows neither aisles nor shelves. It uses almost the entire floor space for storage. It therefore offers up to four times the storage capacity of a manual warehouse. Conversely, this means significantly more space for your product range.

This means that larger storage capacities can be achieved even in the smallest of spaces. The integration of an AutoStore® is ideally suited for companies whose storage capacities can hardly be expanded and storage space is limited.

Thanks to its flexibility and modularity, it can be easily expanded during operation. The AutoStore® can be perfectly adapted to your operational and structural conditions if your current system has become too small.

The next generation of warehouse automation

Advantages of the solution

AutoStore® combines everything that customers want in today's world. Reliably manage their stock levels, keep delivery promises and keep an eye on costs at the same time.



Reduces space requirements by 75 % compared to other storage systems.

Box do not tilt


The technology is easy to maintain and offers an uptime of 99.7 %.


The aluminum scaffolding is easy to assemble and extend.


No need for light and the robots require very little energy.

AutoStore with Element Logic

Clever, simple and expandable

How does AutoStore® work?

The aluminum frame has two functions: The robots travel on it and the containers are stored in it. The containers are stacked on top of each other without any gaps in between. The robots transport them from the storage location to the work stations and back again. The products are stored according to order frequency. This means that popular products are stored higher up in the bins for faster picking.

The ingenious thing is that the aluminum frame can be flexibly adapted to your existing space and premises. Thanks to the modular design, you can choose the size, shape and height almost freely. If you realize you need more storage capacity, robots or ports, you can expand the automated warehouse without downtime and without interrupting ongoing operations.

This means you are ideally equipped for future growth, new requirements or seasonal peaks. Now to the costs. That depends on the size and the ports. But we can reveal one thing: thanks to the standardized system and the simple design, the costs are significantly lower than for other automated small parts warehouses.

Lightweight and versatile

AutoStore® modules

The AutoStore® consists of 5 modules that offer you an incredible number of combination and expansion options. Just the way you need it for your warehouse.

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Aluminum scaffolding / Grid

You choose the size and shape of the aluminum scaffolding according to the available space. This allows you to make optimum use of the space. The scaffolding consists of an aluminium frame and cross struts and is known as a grid.

The standardized modules are very easy to assemble. The only requirement is a level floor. You simply build around columns and if you have grids on two different levels, they can be connected by a lift.

Robots / Robots

The robots travel from A to B on attached rails on the aluminum scaffolding. They pack the containers with their grippers, stack them next to and on top of each other and take them to the work stations.

The robots communicate with the controller via WLAN and move to the charging stations when the battery is low. You can choose between 2 robot solutions depending on the container size and performance requirements.

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Container / Bin

The standardized containers are specially designed to store goods safely and efficiently. Thanks to the robust material and gentle handling by the robots, they have a very long service life.

The containers are available in 3 sizes. You can also divide the containers with partitions to store different products in them and thus increase your storage capacity.

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Workstations / Ports

Order processing and stock replenishment take place at the workstations for employees. There are 7 different workstations, which vary in size and function.

So there is something for every wish and every requirement. The Carousel Port is very popular with our customers. But they all have one thing in common: safety, convenience and employee productivity.

Carousel Port

As this port is one of the most popular, we will go into it in more detail. As the name suggests, the port rotates like a carousel. This ensures that the next container is always ready.

The workstation has three rotating arms, each with a container. Two arms are located at the rear to store and retrieve the containers and the third at the front so that the employees can access the goods in the container.

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Control / Controller

The controller processes the orders from the warehouse management software and distributes the tasks to the robots. However, it only takes over the machine control of the bin orders.

The warehouse management software is responsible for assigning goods to the bins, order prioritization and the picking strategy. The control system logs everything in real time and creates an error log in the event of faults.

AutoStore with Element Logic

Seamless integration

Connection with AutoStore® Connector (ASC)

The AutoStore® Connector is fully and seamlessly integrated into our SuPCIS-L8 warehouse management software. The data is automatically synchronized between our warehouse management software and the AutoStore® system. You can even connect several systems of different sizes.

We usually connect automated warehouses, most of which are individual, using the highly flexible material flow controller (MFC). But AutoStore® is different. Commissioning can be carried out without the system manufacturer. Why? AutoStore® is a standardized plug-and-play system and is ready for use in a very short time.

If you have solutions in which the containers are to leave the AutoStore® , the flexibility of the MFC can be used in combination with the AutoStore® Connector. This allows us to combine the best of both worlds for your optimum storage solution.

Further advantages of the solution


The AutoStore® Connector and the AutoStore® share the tasks. For example: for picking, our warehouse management software tells the interface which bin is required at the workstation.

AutoStore® then takes care of the transportation. It also takes care of the previously optimized provision of the bins to avoid waiting times. The AutoStore® knows the fill level in the individual bins and our warehouse management software knows the stock levels.

Updates and security

We have developed the functions universally so that they can be used for different data types and structures. The AutoStore® Connector runs through automatic tests when changes are made. This means that the technical component can be updated at any time.

This offers a very high level of security for new software imports. It can also be used to meet the performance requirements of large systems with more than 170,000 containers, 30 ports and 300 robots, for example.

Central control of the ports

AutoStore® is self-organizing and is controlled decentrally. The person at the port decides which orders to process first. This may make sense for small and most medium-sized systems. For very large systems with many ports that are spread across several storage areas and buildings, it makes less sense.

The central workstation control as a user dialog provides a remedy. The control station can use this to specify which tasks are to be carried out at the individual ports as required.

Smart automation

Self-optimization is crucial in a complex logistics environment. The AutoStore® continuously optimizes itself by storing frequently requested items in the upper bin levels. Compared to manual warehouses, the picking performance of AutoStore® is ten times higher.

Our warehouse management software SuPCIS-L8 is seamlessly integrated into AutoStore® and offers further optimization functions in addition to its self-optimization. With our holistic approach, we aim to increase the efficiency of the entire logistics chain.

Space-saving and efficient

In some sectors, such as the fashion industry, it can happen that individual items are left over in containers. For example, a T-shirt in a less popular size. In the long term, this leads to wasted space. With the "compacting of goods" process, we create the possibility in AutoStore® to combine items from several bins.

In addition, separation in the bins enables precise and efficient storage of different items without mixing them. This optimizes the available space and improves the efficiency and speed of order picking.

Optimized article distribution

As in every warehouse, there are particularly popular and less popular items. But how do we ensure that bins with particularly popular items reach the individual ports more quickly? Quite simply: we "separate the goods".

If, for example, 10,000 units of an item that is ordered by many customers are stored in a bin, then the employees at the ports all have to wait for this "one" bin. Our solution process: We divide this popular item into several containers. For example, 5 times 2,000 units. This saves an enormous amount of time.

eoperator from element logic

Fully automated order picking

eOperator from Element Logic

Is your staffing level thin, is it particularly painful when an employee is absent or do you have night and weekend shifts? Then a robotic gripper arm like the eOperater could be the solution.

With the eOperator robotic gripper arm from Element Logic, you can store and retrieve goods fully automatically. The eOperator completes the tasks at top speed. While the robot does the picking, the person can take on other more useful tasks. This leads to improved work processes and greater productivity. The perfect division between man and machine!

The robot software can process large amounts of data and is also equipped with artificial intelligence. The data of every pick made worldwide is collected in a cross-customer cloud. This includes: Item properties, picking strategies and error data. In this way, the robots learn to pick items of different sizes and shapes in the most efficient way. This also enables the robot to pick unknown items without additional training.

What does the eOperator package include?
- Gripping device with suction function

- Camera for visual control and coordination
- Intuitive user interface
- Operator instrument panel
- Service portal with real-time statistical reports
- Safety control unit
- Power distribution unit
- Processor

More about the eOperator

You have questions or
interested in our solution?

We look forward to hearing from you.

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